136 - Clutter artwork
The Spark & The Art

136 - Clutter

  • 08:14
  • February 16th 2017

http://thesparkandtheart.com/136 - Clutter is fine when you are using it all. A messy desk means you are there often and using things. But what about those boxes of old magazines for that collage you are going to make one day or that carton of video tapes for the family film you are going to produce. Not only are they taking up your physical space they are also taking up your mental space.

The Spark & The Art

The Spark & The Art Creativity Podcast ran for 155 episodes and talked about the creative life: Interviews with writers, musicians, filmmakers and more.

The show is on permanent hiatus but I still talk about creativity obsessively and you can find me at:


